Inside Research

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Inside Research

Mai 29, 2024 @ 18:00 - 20:00

️Wed, 29 May, 18 c.t.
Lecture Hall F (Juridicum)

We cordially invite you to Inside Research featuring PhD candidates Anna Schulze Tilling and Dominik Damast, who will present their papers which got them professorships in Glasgow and Rome. A Q&A session will follow each presentation. Afterwards, we continue with lively discussions over some drinks at a barbecue in the courtyard of Juridicum. Of course, Anna and Dominik will present in a way which is comprehensible for everyone who is interested in economics.

Exploring Sustainable Behavior: Insights from Anna’s Research
Anna’s research is centered on environmental and behavioral economics, with a focus on intervention studies aimed at promoting sustainable behavior, e.g., while showering or eating. You might even recognize some of her studies, like investigating a carbon label traffic light system at Hofgartenmensa. Join us as Anna presents her results on the effectiveness of carbon labels!

Unraveling Financial Markets: Insights from Dominik’s Research
Dominik’s research focuses on financial markets and its institutions, addressing critical issues such as the impact of climate risks on asset prices, the transmission of monetary policy via insurance markets, and risk mitigation in derivatives markets. Don’t miss out on this opportunity as Dominik presents his insights into the value of bank’s intermediary function for institutional investors!



Mai 29, 2024
18:00 - 20:00


Lecture Hall F


Alumni- und Fördervereins der Fachschaft VWL Bonn